Odds are, you're going to revel in unlocking flight for every zone, but there's something majestic about the first time the Forelands are seen from above. Recently get back into the game and Im going back to get all the aether currents I missed. Finding the Aether Currents can be tough but it’s made much simpler by using the Aether Compass, an item which you can bound to a hotbar and use it whenever you’re exploring new areas. Aether Currents were special locations introduced in a previous Final Fantasy XIV expansion.

West of this area is a small cavern containing the next Aether Current.

Coordinates - X:18.9, Y: 20 After picking up the last Aether Current, head directly south and cross the bridge. Like all other expansions in the MMO, Final Fantasy XIVs Shadowbringers. To unlock flying in the new FFXIV: Endwalker zones, you’ll need to collect 10 Aether Currents for. Mare Lamentorum Aether Currents - Location 8. FFXIV Cheat Sheets Aether Currents Food Hunts LeveQuests Materia Dungeons ARR. Part of Final Fantasy 14 guides, tips, tricks, and walkthroughs. The lush Dravanian Forelands of Final Fantasy 14 are a narratively frightening place throughout the course of the Heavensward expansion, but they're really quite pretty. This FFXIV All Shadowbringers Aether Currents Locations guide shows a detailed map giving the exact location of each of the Aether Currents in each of the new zones introduced in Shadowbringers. The Aether Current can be found directly north in that chunk of the moon. Have checked wiki and ingame Journal to ensure relevent quests were complete, and they were. At some point when I was doing MSQ or the relevent quests, the quest Aether current node didnt register for Lakeland. Dungeons, Trials, Raids, And More (ShB) To obtain the system information, open the FFXIV launcher and select Config System Information Display. FFXIV Aether Currents Garlemald (x17.9, y29.9, z0.5), 1 (x25.3, 圓4.3, z0.0), 2 (x29.5, 圓1.8, z0.1), Get on the pipe at (29.5, 26.7) follow it down from.Dungeons, Trials, Raids, And More (ARR).