
Rawdigger histogram
Rawdigger histogram

rawdigger histogram

It is the channel sequence that is mixed up here the "colors" of pixels and the "colors" of channels do not match. Based on that, it is apparent that the green pixels were recorded in the Red and Blue channels in the RAW file, while the red and blue pixels were recorded in the Green channels. We know that the G and G2 channels are always very similar, while on the skies (except for sunrise / sunset) or the water reflecting the bluish sky, the Red channel is nearly always the weakest and the Blue channel has a peak in-between the Green and Red channel peaks, which is obviously not the case here. So we see that according to the histogram, the Red and Blue channels are nearly equal, while the Green channels (both G and G2) are significantly different. We opened the damaged RAW shot in FastRawViewer, and switching between RAW and embedded JPEG (by pressing "J" on the keyboard), we saw that they both look similar, which proves that we can exonerate the memory card and recording interface from all charges - otherwise the embedded JPEG and RAW would look different.įigure 11. To start solving this mystery, we need to first establish that a faulty memory card did not cause this problem. Later Allan kindly provided three consequent shots, two of which are damaged and one isn't and gave us permission to share them: He wasn't interested in looking at the RAW file. "I contacted Canon (New Zealand) and the tech said 'Clear all camera settings' and see if the problem still occurs. Looks like I will have to contact Canon." 2 There does seem to be a problem with the green channel but with the tools I have I can't get my head around it. "I should have checked all the frames before I left the site! * RawDigger helps determine the idiosyncrasies of both camera and raw convertor by providing a true view into the raw data and comparing it to the results obtained through raw conversion.Figure 2. * RawDigger can be used to check the amount of vignetting caused by the lens and the sensor. * Landscape photographers may want to use RawDigger to determine the effect of the filters on the lens, to check neutrality of polarizing and neutral density filters and, possibly, to select color correction and color compensation filters to use in different light. * For studio photography RawDigger helps establishing the proper light filtration to achieve the cleanest possible shadows on the shots. * RawDigger is more precise than any exposure meter for the purpose of evaluation of the uniformity of fill light and reproduction light setups (in terms of the evenness of both color balance and luminosity across the background). * RawDigger is a useful tool for examining how the relative per-channel underexposure depends on the color of light. * If the shadows look blotchy, colorless, or details in shadows are poorly resolved you will be able to determine how much they are underexposed and set Underexposure (UE) indicator in RawDigger accordingly.

rawdigger histogram

* RawDigger helps determining the raw level at which the overexposure "blinkies" start on the camera LCD and to know how much headroom is still available after the blinkies start showing. * For ETTR practitioners, RawDigger makes it very simple to compare raw histogram to in-camera histogram and account for the difference, making the exposures as much "to the right" as possible. That is, RawDigger lets you establish the headroom in highlights and obtain optimal exposures.

rawdigger histogram

* RawDigger allows determining how exposure meter is calibrated and what raw level corresponds to the midpoint of in-camera histogram. * Overexposure (OE) indicator will show you exactly what areas of the shot are blown out and in which color channel(s) it happened (best if used in channel view). * RawDigger displays the real histogram of the raw data, which greatly differs from the in-camera histogram and histograms presented by most of the raw converters. Instead, it allows you to see the data that will be used by raw convertors. RawDigger doesn't alter the raw data in any way. In essence, it is a microscope of sorts that lets you drill down into raw data. RawDigger is a tool to visualize and examine pure raw data as the camera has recorded it.

Rawdigger histogram